Dear Collegiate/Wesley family,
We know that in the last few days information regarding best practices for the COVID-19 virus have changed at a rapid pace. As a community of faith, we want our decisions to be based in that faith, not fear, while doing what’s best, especially for the most vulnerable among us. Church staff and lay leadership have been in conversation with Ames physicians and other public health officials regarding the best way respond.
Because we are all anxious to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the Center for Disease Control has recommended that people over 60 with preexisting conditions (especially those dealing with diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure) should avoid public gatherings, we believe it is important to suspend worship and Sunday School for March 15th. By suspending large gatherings we can be part of flattening the upward curve of this disease’s progression and protecting those most vulnerable among us.
As we move forward:
We will make decisions on a weekly basis regarding worship and Sunday School and you will find that week’s plans in the Thursday email.
Small Groups, Cluster and Team meetings will meet based on the decision of the leaders and chairpersons. Please contact them with questions.
The church office will be open during regular hours.
Pastors and staff will be restricted in the calls they can make to the hospital and care centers, please continue to let staff know of any health changes as we will be connecting in other ways.
If you are in need this week and unable to leave your home, we will be assembling a group of volunteers to help in getting food or other necessary items to those at risk, please sign up HERE. if you would like to be part of the volunteer team. Please contact Pastor Jen ( if you have a need.
Please feel empowered to make the best decisions for you without guilt. Your sense of safety and mental health is important.
Please let others you know who may not receive this email about the changes and ongoing plans.
We know the importance of faith in a time of crisis so we hope you will take time for prayer and reflection with your family. As we explore ways to worship digitally, we invite you to join us on Sunday, March 15th in a time of prayer and reflection at 11:00am on our Facebook page. Like all faith communities, your financial support is critical. Please continue to give generously or even above your normal giving level if possible HERE.
Please know we are praying for you, for our community, and the full reach of this illness around the world. Thank you for your grace, understanding, solidarity and hand washing.
Collegiate/Wesley Pastors and Staff