There are a variety of ways you can serve at Collegiate Wesley. Below you will find some more information about current volunteer needs we have.
Continual Opportunities:
Children and Youth Sunday School Helpers Needed!
Do you have a passion for helping our younger generations learn about the love of God? We are adding more people to our Sunday School team and are in need of more volunteers for our Sunday School classrooms.
Please pray about ways that your gifts can be used in our Children’s ministry areas. Contact Lauren Loonsfoot for more information lauren@cwames.org.
Food at First Volunteer Opportunity
We have the opportunity to prepare and serve the daily meal for Food at First on the fourth and fifth Friday of every month. There are two shift opportunities 3:30-5:30 AND/OR 5:30-7:30 pm
Early shift works on prepping and setting up for the meal for service. Second shift volunteers help service the meal and clean-up following the meal. This is a great opportunity to build community, have fun, and serve others. Sign-up here: Food at First Volunteer