Reaching and Receiving

Reaching and Receiving Cluster seeks to welcome new people and help them and our current friends/members move forward on their faith journeys through involvement in activities that connect them to other CUMC/WF members and friends, and to causes that will deepen their spirituality/service to others. The R&R umbrella includes:

  •  Outreach: Summerfest, Rainbow Vision, Pridefest
  •  Events: Summer activities, Soup Supper, Welcome Back BBQ, Thanksgiving Dinner, Advent Workshop, Christmas Tea, Easter Breakfast
  •  Guest assimilation/Membership: Welcome Team Ministry, Welcome Center team, Fellowship/Gathering time, Families with Young Children, New member class, Serving from the Heart, Rhythm of the Soul, Ministries Fair

Frequency of meetings: Usually meet on the first Monday of even numbered months. (February, April, etc.)

If you would like to contact Reaching and Receiving with an idea or question, please email

2023 Members:
Chairperson, VaLinda Parsons (2024)
Member at Large, Ashley Mahannah (2023)
Member at Large, Mary Lynn Elver (2023)
Member at Large, Kaci Mahannah (2023)

Staff Representative, Lewis Cox