When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” John 20:19
our dead and living friend.
We walk the ways of death and life
holding fear in one hand
and courage in the other.
Come find us when we are locked away.
Come enliven us.
Come bless us with your peace.
Because you are the first day of creation
and all days of creation.
It doesn’t take much to connect with being locked away. Every time during the past three months when I went to run an errand and realized the store may be closed, I felt put out. I am so used to going and doing what I want, when I want. Compared to some in the world my inconveniences are insignificant.
I’m thinking of refugees: Syrian, Mexican, Central Americans, and Yemeni, to name a few. They have been locked out of a normal existence for quite some time. June 20, 2020 was World Refugee Day. Go to https://www.umcmission.org/share-our-work/news-stories/2020/june/umcor/world-refugee-day-every-action-counts and read what UMCOR is doing and how we can help. I also think of African Americans who are locked into racial profiling. What role can white Americans play in breaking these locks? Visiting or writing a letter to the city council to be sure measures are put in place to eradicate this behavior could be a first step.
With courage in one hand and fear in the other, we are enlivened to act through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Come, Holy One, bless ALL your children with your peace. Amen.
*Daily Prayers with the Corrymeela Community, Canterbury Press (2017) by Padraig O’Tuama