Why do you call me “Lord, Lord,” and do not do what I tell you? I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, hears my word, and acts on them. Luke 6: 46
You praised work more than words,
foundations more than fashion.
May we find our foundation
in the work of Love;
demanding, tiring,
true and human and holy.
Because Love is the only foundation
worth building on.
If we build our foundation on love, our house will not be swept away by floods. Yet it is hard to love those who do not love unconditionally. Can I love enough to begin to build a relationship with someone who thinks and acts with hate? Jesus, you loved by example and not everyone agreed with you and yet you did not waiver. You did not hate the person who hated, you showed them another way. Help us to be witnesses to that kind of love.
The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord; we are his new creation by water and the Word. May we begin each day knowing we are a new creation, seeing the world through new eyes. Give us strength and courage for the journey.
*Daily Prayers with the Corrymeela Community, Canterbury Press (2017) by Padraig O’Tuama