Nichols Chapel Devotion #3

One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to him, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish.  But what are they among so many people? – John 6:8-9

God of the barley loaf,

God of the boy,

God of the fish,

And God of the humble brother;

When we do not have enough,

may we use what we have

to do what we can.

Because a small boy did this,

and generosity listened.


Generosity listened.  Love reached out.  Fear ran away. Laughter softened the outcome.  Can you think of other words during this time you could connect with an action?

Andrew had an idea after seeing what the boy offered.  Who would have guessed the boy had what was needed?  In this time of the pandemic, help has bubbled up from many resources.  Have you ever thought your resources were limited and then you pushed on and found strength or found a way to share?

What appeared to be scarcity in the biblical story resulted in abundance.  Where have you seen abundance in these times?

How has your heart been moved?  Thanks to God for overflowing grace.

*Daily Prayers with the Corrymeela Community, Canterbury Press (2017)  by Padraig O’Tuama