November is Generosity Month!
This year we are celebrating Generosity throughout the month of November. Here are some dates you will want to get on your calendar:
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 (We couldn’t wait for November, so we are starting one day early.)
- Jeremiah 29:10-12 “The Plans of God”
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7: All Saints Day
- Mark 12:41-44 “From our Poverty”
- Generosity cards will be mailed: please plan to fill these out and bring them to church on November 14.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14: Generosity Sunday
- 2 Corinthians 8:10-15 “The Economy of God”
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21: Gratitude Sunday
- A celebration of the gifts you share with us – and the positive differences Collegiate/Wesley is making with them.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28: First Sunday of Advent
- Our Advent theme this year is Hope.
Thanks to your financial gifts this year, Collegiate/Wesley continues to live into our Purpose: to build an inclusive community that invites all people to experience God’s unconditional love, grow in faith, and serve others. Some highlights accomplished by those gifts include: online worship, in-person worship indoors and outdoors, college student activities (including a retreat), Vacation Bible School, Sunday School classes for children and adults, additional energy efficient windows, learning and fellowship groups, Food at First teams, middle and high school youth groups, vocal and bell choirs, high school mission trip, Wesley Hall renovation, confirmation class, Anonymous groups, Leadership Institute for staff, electronic doors locks, Adventures Preschool, new member classes, new computers and online equipment, and at-home communion.
Our church could not continue this life-changing work without your donations. Thanks for your ongoing financial support!