We are pleased to announce Lewis Cox will be joining the staff of Collegiate United Methodist Church/Wesley Foundation at the end of this year. In December and January, Lewis will be working part-time with Lauren Loonsfoot to transition her campus minister responsibilities to him. Lewis will become full-time as of March 1 to assume the Campus Minister role. Lauren will move into her full-time role as Director of Christian Education when she returns from her maternity leave. Lewis is expected to be commissioned by the Iowa United Methodist Church conference in June. We have communicated our strong interest in Lewis being appointed to Collegiate/Wesley Foundation as an Associate Pastor/Campus Minister. His appointment would be effective July 1, 2023.

Lewis, a graduate of Simpson College with a Master of Arts in Religion and Psychology, is currently attending Iliff School of Theology, Denver, CO. While in high school and in college, Lewis was active in ministry, serving as the President of Religious Life Community at Simpson. For the past three years, Lewis has led the Faith Chapel campus of Ankeny First United Methodist Church.

Collegiate was founded as campus ministry for Iowa State students and staff.  Campus ministry is a mission of the Collegiate/Wesley. We believe hiring Lewis is a confirmation of our commitment to the continuation of campus ministry. Lewis will have additional responsibilities as Associate Pastor.

We are excited to have Lewis as part of the Collegiate/Wesley team. Lewis is equally excited to be part of this church. As with most of my announcements, I request your prayers for Lewis, his new role, and our church, have faith that this is the direction God has for us, and offer grace as we begin another transition.

Darra Johnson


Staff Parish Relations Committee