WHAT: Ames AMOS Action RE: Affordable Housing
WHEN: Monday, October 18, 2021; 7pm – 8:30pm
WHERE: Collegiate United Methodist Church/Wesley Foundation
2622 Lincoln Way, Ames
Enter East Doors to Wesley Hall. Follow signs. (Wesley Hall is located on the east side of the building behind the US Bank kiosk) Masks required.
GENTLE REMINDER: This is an AMOS accountability event focused on affordable housing, not a campaign event, nor a candidate forum. As such, no politicking is allowed, including no campaign materials (be they placards, buttons, t-shirts, etc.). In addition, no questions will be taken from the floor.
* Current Funding Levels for Supportive and Affordable Housing Options are inadequate and limited in Ames
* Mayoral/City Council Election Nov. 2
* Need for Action is Now
* Continue Momentum of Previous AMOS Action (See History and Context below)
HOW DELIVERED: In-person (masks required) and Live Streamig. Please register via Registration Google Form (link) so we will have enough seats. In order to receive the link for live streaming, you must register.
Over the last decade, the leaders of AMOS institutions in Ames have been monitoring, organizing, and holding public officials accountable around affordable housing. This issue arose during relational and house meetings in the early 2010s, and has been a constant pressure on individuals and families in Story County to the present day. Whether it was Jan Flora’s paper “High Rents and Low Wages in Story County”, the establishment of the Story County Housing Trust, organizing tenants of the Crestview Mobile Home Park against abhorrent living conditions, pressuring public officials to not only include but increase affordable housing units on the city-owned former middle school site, or working with local leaders and institutions to establish a supportive housing program – AMOS leaders have been at the forefront and at the table to fight for affordable housing in Ames and Story County. On October 18th, AMOS leaders in Ames will once again gather to secure commitment from elected officials regarding affordable housing in Ames. You and as many of your fellow institutional members as possible are invited to attend this opportunity at Wesley Hall on the campus of AMOS dues-paying member Collegiate United Methodist Church & Wesley Foundation. The accountability session will begin promptly at 7pm on October 18th. We hope to see you there!