Site Analysis
Remember the Site Analysis process we’ve started? (Look back at page 12 of the January Communicator if you missed it!)
The next step is the Conversation Circles we’ve told you were coming, Wed., Feb. 5 through Wed., Feb. 12. This is how we’ll gather congregational input for our Site Analysis, in which a consultant is reviewing our property, facilities, and program requirements to help us make strategic decisions toward the optimal use, development, and/or disposition of all our properties. We hope every one of our members and constituents will join in at least one such Circle.
What is a Conversation Circle? Two trained Circle Leaders will work with groups of 8-10 people per circle. They’ll lead the group in a 50-minute conversation with a specific process and guidelines intended to make room for a variety of opinions and the voices of all participants. The conversation will invite you to share:
- stories of when you’ve seen our church’s purpose really lived out;
- your imagination about how our properties might be best configured to achieve our purpose.
As a reminder, CW’s purpose is to build an inclusive community that invites all people to experience God’s unconditional love, grow in faith, and serve others.
Our properties include our whole campus, fronting on Lincoln Way all the way from the US Bank ATM to Dunkin’ Donuts, and extending south to the ravine.
Conversations will be held at a number of times—some of them designed around groups that were already scheduled to meet, and others intended to make this process accessible for all by offering a range of times. For the non-group-focused times (noted below in GREEN, it will help us if you’ll sign up so we can plan for numbers. Please register here: If the time for a group you’re in, and none of the GREEN times work for you, please be in touch with the church office and we’ll get you added to a different group, or see if we can create an additional time that will work.
Wednesday, February 5
6:00 pm Wesley Hall
7:00 pm Chancel Choir / Bells
7:15 pm Wesley students
Thursday, February 6
5:15 pm SPRC committee
8:00 pm Zoom
Saturday, February 8
10:00 am Fireside Room
Sunday, February 9
9:00 am Adult Sunday School classes
11:30 am Wesley Hall
4:00 pm Fireside Room / Zoom (hybrid)
Tuesday, February 11
1:00 pm Staff
4:00 pm Fireside Room
7:30 pm Wesley Board / Worship Cluster
Wednesday, February 12
9:30 am Men’s Coffee Group
1:15 pm Fireside Room
6:00 pm Middle School Youth Group
7:15 pm Anam Cara
7:00 pm High School Youth Group
Questions? Be in touch with the church office or Pastor Lee.
**REMINDER**: If you’re a leader or member of a Committee, Board, or cluster, or you’re a small group leader, your presence is requested at our Leaders’ Summit on Sat., Feb. 22, 10-12:30 pm in Wesley Hall. Lunch will be served for all participants, and Church Council will continue into the afternoon.